Most active

  • My Discord server - I'm by far the most active on Discord! My server has channels for my art as well as general chatting/art sharing/etc. channels. SFW and NSFW sections. If you'd like to stay updated on my commission openings and other announcements, I announce everything first (and sometimes only) on this server. There are three notifications roles that I ping: commission opening pings, streaming pings, and misc. ad pings.
  • Telegram: profile, SFW art channel, NSFW art channel
  • Twitter: SFW account, NSFW account - I try my very best still to remember to post art here, but it doesn't usually happen as fast as on Discord and Telegram. (NSFW account is locked but I accept anyone with an 18+ age in their bio)
  • - It's possible I may leave eventually in favor of hosting my character profiles on this site, but for now TH is more convenient for me. I don't use the forum though, I only use it for character profiles.


  • Picarto - Theoretically Picarto is for NSFW art and Twitch is for SFW art, but I stream so rarely anyway and I don't know if I'll keep that separation in the future or if I'll just stream all art on Picarto.
  • Twitch - Might stream games on here too once in a blue moon idk

Less active or inactive